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Incredible Search Engine Service and Pricing

Single Submission - only $33 ||| Re-submissions - only $7 per. month

Web Services BC are pleased to announce our incredible search engine submission service. We manually check the status of your site on a monthly basis and continue to individually submit your sites to certain engines as necessary. This service is constantly evolving! What really makes our service special is that unlike many others, our database of engines is constantly maintained. The majors... and the less significant engines as well!

While it is true that over 90% of the traffic comes from a few major search engines, the other 10% comes from thousands of less significant sites. We submit to those majors... and the small ones, too! We also submit to thousands of link directories without giving you the hassle of unwanted junk mail. We see that it gets sent to the right place - in the trash box. Our software can automatically:

We use the same method that many search engine positioning services use, while charging you literally thousands of dollars. Other web-promotion software cannot handle search engine categories or non-standard fields correctly, so they either skip them or make you spend hours of decision making. We select one category for your site, and our software intelligently finds the closest matching category on each engine for the submission.

We manually build a profile of your site and suggest the more complex categories for certain search engines. Furthermore, if an engine requires special information which is not presented on the profile form, we automatically generate a response to the engine..... others fail or trip, while we give the sites what they want and need! We will translate your selected category to the closest match on an engine per engine basis.

We consider this investment as an important improvement for our existing customers and an absolute must for new customers who desire the maximum exposure for their websites. If you have had your website designed and hosted by Web Services BC and are still in your first year of free updates this submission service is included. Our prices for new customers are as follows:

Please contact us for more detailed information on any of the above services
if you can't find the answer in our FAQ list

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