Anti Virus Filtering:
Everybody who uses the Internet knows that spam is becoming an epidemic! Now it’s possible and affordable to eliminate e-mails that contain virus’.Our unique mail gateway protects your entire domain by using a combination of anti-virus, filtering and challenge response to effectively stop unwanted email. It's simple to setup and requires virtually no maintenance. It also requires no software to be installed and unwanted email is stopped before it's downloaded.
Why is our service better than most spam blockers? Because it include free spam and virus definition updates so end users and administrators don't have to spend time maintaining their filters or updating their software! Our system does it for you in real time! Keep in mind all that's required is a simple DNS change and adding your addresses to the gateway.
Why settle for "average" service when you can get top quality spam and anti-virus protection for a low monthly fee for your entire domain? Our service does not require any software to be installed on your company’s PC's. Our system will also save you time and money since your domains email is filtered before your download it. All that's required on your end is a simple DNS change and we will even do that for you if you host with us.
What are its features?
How much does it cost?
- Blocks up to 99% of Spam and Viruses at our gateway
- Protects entire domains
- Blocks Spam and Viruses before they are downloaded
- No software to install
- Hourly virus definition checking
- Users can enable/disable and configure Spam settings
- Users can setup and manage autoresponders
- Works with all popular mail systems and servers
- Option to tag, bounce or vanish Spam
- Optional authentication for suspected Spam or all email
The cost is only $2.99 per e-mail address per month including set-up. To protect your whole Domain (up to 10 e-mail addresses at the same Domain) the cost is only $5.99 (60c per e-mail address) per month including set-up. We also offer terms for more than 10 addresses per Domain. Please e-mail for prices.We offer a 30 day money back guarantee so why not give us a try today! You have nothing to lose if it doesn’t work as you expected. Just e-mail us, it’s cancelled, and you owe nothing.
Web Services:
- $33 Major Search Engines submission
- $7 per. month Search Engine resubmissions
- $12 per. month minor site maintenance (includes Search Engine resubmissions)
- Major site maintenance by quotation
Domain Name Registrations:
- $50 www.yourname.com which we will register and completely set up
- Redirector Page - no charge
Please let us quote you for all your other web related services.
Contact: e-mail
We accept payment by ![]()
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